
A TERRITORY RICH IN HISTORY, ART, GOOD FOOD AND NATURAL BEAUTY.   The basin of Emilia Romagna in which today the territory of Piacenza and Salsomaggiore Terme fall, in the Quaternary era, was submerged by the waters of the so-called "Ancient Sea".   The hotel was built right here, in the heart of the city that symbolises European thermalism, on the remains of an ancient sea of which deep basins remain today, rich in thermal waters with unique properties.  
Salsomaggiore Terme

Il bacino dell’Emilia Romagna in cui oggi rientrano il territorio piacentino e Salsomaggiore Terme, nell’era quaternaria, era sommerso dalle acque del cosiddetto “Mare Antico”.

L’hotel nasce proprio qui, nel cuore della città simbolo del termalismo europeo, sui residui di un antico mare di cui oggi restano profondi bacini, ricchi di acque termali con proprietà uniche al mondo.

At Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore


What would a holiday be without shopping? The centre of Salsomaggiore Terme, also due to the town's historical vocation for tourism, is full of boutiques and shops lining the main streets. But staying at the Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore also means being able to easily reach, by car, train or shuttle bus, the Fidenza Shopping Village, the only Italian village in the international Chic Outlet Shopping chain.
At Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore


Wellness means indulging in the warm waters of a spa pool, but also breathing the pure air that only parks and reserves of thousands of hectares can offer
At Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore


Holiday is synonymous with relaxation and wellbeing for body and mind. Practising the sport you love, indulging in adventurous excursions or exercising daily is the best way to have fun and feel fit. That is why we offer our guests various possibilities: organised cycling tours, golf circuits and tennis courts.
At Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore


We are in the western part of Emilia Romagna, where three 'tasty' routes branch off: the Strada del Prosciutto e dei Vini dei Colli (Ham and Wine Route), the Strada del Fungo Porcino (Porcini Mushroom Route) and the Strada del Culatello di Zibello (Culatello di Zibello Route), which allow you to taste products that are unique in the world.
At Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore


The Palazzo delle Terme Berzieri is a jewel in Art Nouveau and Deco style, symbol of Salsomaggiore Terme and of European spa tourism. In 1912 architect Ugo Giusti started the project, which was completed by Galileo Chini in 1923 after a brief interruption of work Find out more


In this section you can find the most suitable offer for you: select your favourite and let yourself be enveloped by the attentions of the Cosmopolitan Hotels Group.
Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore

Weekend in the Historical Cellar

Treat yourself to an exclusive experience at the Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore with our Weekend Package in the Historical Cellar, available only on Fridays and Saturdays. A refined stay among wellness, authentic flavours and timeless atmospheres.
Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore

Early booking GHS

The Early Booking offer is back: book in advance and get a 10% to 15% discount on your next stay!

CHG Fidelity

The Cosmopolitan Hotels Group rewards those who have chosen, and those who choose, to stay in one of its resorts. The offer is valid for those who have stayed at least 3 nights in one of our facilities in the last 12 months. For example: you spent at least 3 nights at the Grand Hotel […]
Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore

Pampered in luxury

The ideal stay for those who deserve only the best. Immerse yourself in the well-being and refined spaces of the Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore, and enjoy an experience you will never forget.
Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore

Day Spa

A day to relax and escape from your hectic life. With the special day SPA offer, you can have a day use room and immerse yourself in the wellness of our SPA.
Natural Logo
17 Tons of CO2 saved this year.