CHG Fidelity
The Cosmopolitan Hotels Group rewards those who have chosen, and those who choose, to stay in one of its resorts.
The offer is valid for those who have stayed at least 3 nights in one of our facilities in the last 12 months.
For example: you spent at least 3 nights at the Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore? Fantastic! We offer you a 10% discount to use on your reservation at another Resort of the Cosmopolitan Hotels Group.
Call the hotel of your interest and take advantage of the CHG Fidelity offer now!
Tombolo Talasso Resort – Marina di Castagneto Carducci
Tel: +39 0565 74530 | info@tombolotalasso.it
(Find out the periods of applicability of the discount)
Grand Hotel Salsomaggiore – Salsomaggiore Terme
Tel: +39 0524 582311 | info@grandhotelsalsomaggiore.com
(Find out the periods of applicability of the discount)
Val di Luce SPA Resort – Abetone
Tel: +39 0573 60 961 | info@valdilucesparesort.it
(Find out the periods of applicability of the discount)
Grand Hotel Continental – Tirrenia
Tel: +39 050 37031 | info@grandhotelcontinental.it
(Find out the periods of applicability of the discount)
Hotel Riva del Sole – Marina di Campo
Tel: +39 0565 976316 | info@hotelrivadelsole.com
(Find out the periods of applicability of the discount)
Hotel Baia Imperiale – Località Cavoli
Tel: +39 0565 987055 | info@hotelbaiaimperiale.it
(Find out the periods of applicability of the discount)
*The CHG Fidelity offer cannot be combined with other promotions.